Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Brent's sunset

One day at the beach, Brent and I went for a drive to photograph the sunset. It was a nice hour to talk and laugh.
Here is his photo of the sunset....very nice, hum?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Brent, the Romantic

Patti called me today from near Oswald West State Park. She and Brent were off by themselves and pulled over on the side of the road to get a photo of the sunset. I could hear Brent in the background saying "Getting a picture of the sunset is boring."

I told Patti: Tell him that he needs to learn to enjoy it because it's romantic and when he starts dating he'll go to watch sunsets.

Brent: We'll go to McDonalds.

(Photo from fall 2005 on airplane from Las Vegas. Poor Brent had such a time. Nerves and flying made him nauseated the entire way.)

Brent and Bryce in 2004, 2006 and 2007

2004, 2006 and 2007

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Brothers can be "anoxious"

Photo of the brothers in the backseat of my car waiting for the ferry. We were parked just waiting in Edmonds. I like this because the boys really like each other. I remember Bryce asking one time about when he came. Patti told him "Brent was so happy to have a little brother." And Brent said "I was NOT." And Bryce said "Yes you were, I saw you smiling." Brent said without a pause "That was before I knew how anoxious you are. You can be very anoxious."

Photo taken March 2005

Egyptian Walk

This swim team was fun because it was the first time An-na came to our pool. This was the first picture she took of me at the pool. I am doing some Egyptian walking when I was in bronze.

I am in silver, now. I could do the Egyptian walk in silver (even though it is a tougher level), but only after I'm done and waiting for everyone else to finish.

I love swim team because I can play with my friends and spend time with them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dissecting a salmon

I dissected a full grown salmon today in school. I was about going to throw up in the middle because it was so gross. The teacher cut the eye out. And they took out the kidney...oh man, it was gross. Eewwww..... It was like a red gloppy heart. It was a really weird type of jello. They also took out the bladder. The heart..eeewww...was absolutely disgusting because it was a goopy thing. She fried the fish and let everyone have a taste. I didn't have any because I don't like salmon. It stinks. Thank goodness I didn't have to do any of it!


First photo of Brent

This is, I think, the first photo ever taken of Brent. I'm not sure why Patti was having an ultrasound on Christmas Eve, but there you go.

Isn't he a handsome fellow even in silhouette?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


it was fun to take care of Hestia. She had five kittens but only two lived, Cheddar and Mr. Cuddles.

brent in a raft

This was the Forestry Center. This was so much fun that I rocked the boat. One time, the boat almost tipped over on me!
This was really fun and I wish we could go back there.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Me and Thumper

This was my first foster cat. He was called "Thumper" because he had very white feet. I like to hold him in my lap when I was doing "criss-cross applesauce." I put him in my lap and use my finger between his eyes to make him go to sleep.

Sincerely, Brent

Friday, February 8, 2008

Brent telling us which way to go

Photo taken August 2003

Brent showing us which way to go on the path to get to the beach.

Is it a guy thing with directions? I just don't get it.

The Boys at the Beach

December 13, 2006

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Exploring the seashore

Just a neat photo of Brent exploring the seashore from our trip to Rockaway a few years ago to share today.
aunt Bev

Brent's Dinosaurs

I used to play war with my dinosaurs and the dinosaurs were my men. Sometimes there would be riders for my dinosaurs and sometimes there wouldn't be.
They are lined up here ready to fight the droids and in my imagination, they are protecting the house.
love, Brent

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Brent March 14, 2004

March 14, 2004

Brent is a handsome fellow, but more importantly he has a kind heart.

Brent and Colin Friends

This picture was taken at my last swim meet. I didn't do very good at this swim meet but I still had lots of friends there and lots of entertainment. My friend, Colin, is one of my best friends in swim team. I sometimes play Kingdom Hearts on his nintendo.

Bev and Brent

Brent often asks if I will play with him or read with him....or especially watch a movie with him.

Shared experiences are so important to, too.
Here he is with Bev at Christmas, playing video games.

Brent with various people

Beach photo near Seaside.

Reading photo was taken August 2003. If I remember correctly, I think this was a train book.

Alan and Brent.

Photo of Brent holding his Great-grandfather Isaak Erkinpoika Hirvaskari's journal written in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Taken September 2005.

Photo of Brent on Aunt Bev's computer....he looks very perky and happy. Must be playing a video game. And Uncle Don working away on his crossword puzzles.

Well, Aunt Bev posted a photo of her with Brent and so here is one of me with Brent. (Of course, Brent looked a little smaller in this photo than he did in the photo with Aunt Bev! :)

There is a wonderful quote

about sharing that I read today:

Things gain meaning

by being used

in a shared experience....

John Dewey

I think it is true and I think that Brent's blog will prove this quote to be true!

Here is a photo of Brent and me sharing a TV moment at Oceanside in December.


Aunt Bev

YA HOO! What a cool idea, Brent! This is a very exciting way to share! Thanks for inviting me!
Aunt Bev

Got Dirt? (August 2005)

Remember the old milk commercial that says "Got Milk?" Well, Brent certainly had dirt this day at Trout Lake in August 2005. I think it probably was not so good for his asthma, but he was a happy boy. I looked out the patio window and saw clouds of dust and Tessa running around Brent in ecstatic circles. (It doesn't take much to make a boy and a dog happy.)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

great to join your blog.we can have a lot of fun with it Grandma
great to join your blog.we can have a lot of fun with it Grandma

My First Blog!

This is Pittock Mansion. The reason why I wanted to start a blog was so I could communicate with other people. And, I can have comments on my pictures lately.